Welcome to Our Visual Tour
We have planned this tour to replicate your first visit with us. In this way, we hope you will feel comfortable and familiar with our facility from the time you enter the parking lot until you leave the sanctuary following worship. Come and worship with us!
Parking Lot
A parking lot accommodating 65 automobiles, including four handicapped spaces, is located off Pine Street, behind the church.

Sidewalks/Accessible Entrance
A ground-level sidewalk leads from the parking lot to an entry door that accesses an elevator or stairs leading to the lower level (with bathrooms) or the church offices and worship area.
This three-stop commercial-grade elevator is large enough to accommodate two wheelchairs and provides access to all levels of the church.

Greeting Area
At the upper level elevator stop, this multi-use area is adjacent to the worship space and offices. It is used for gathering before worship and coffee hours and receptions after worship. Coat racks are located in this area.
Enter the Church Sanctuary
From the greeting area, one enters the front of the sanctuary, where we gather for worship. This entry is highlighted by the presence of the baptismal font and paschal candle, which represent the entry of all people into the Christian faith, in Holy Baptism.
Stained Glass Windows
Stained glass windows are located throughout our worship space. The windows depict the life and teaching of Jesus from birth to ascension. The twelve window tour begins in the northwest corner of the church and moves in a circle around the church. With the circling of the church, complete attention is drawn to the Christ the King window behind the altar. This central window announces Christ the Risen King. A smaller window in the rear of the church, above the balcony, depicts Martin Luther’s seal with heart and cross

Accessible Chancel
A free-standing altar is in the center of the chancel (front of the worship space) for the weekly celebration of Holy Communion. As a western liturgical church, we follow the practice of vesting the altar with paraments appropriate to the seasons of the Church Year. A ramp, to the left of the pulpit, permits easy access to the chancel area.
To the right of the altar is the console of the 18-rank Casavant pipe organ that was installed on the One Hundredth Anniversary year of St. John (1997).
Choir seating is located across the chancel from the organ and piano. The choir chairs are moveable, allowing flexibility for singers and instrumentalists.

Pews/Handicapped Seating
A center aisle divides 17 rows of pews, which offer a seating capacity of 250 – 275 people. Handicapped wheelchair seating is available in front of the pews.
Beaver Street Entrance
Access from Beaver Street is via a front stairway through the narthex, the gathering area at the back of the worship space. Coat racks are located in the narthex as are stairways to the basement.
The lower level is accessible from stairways and the elevator. Multiple congregational and community activities are held in this space. A modern kitchen provides the space and facilities for receptions and church dinners. Accessible restrooms are on this level.

A spacious side yard is the place for games and many outdoor activities for youth of all ages.