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In worship we gather to hear the Word, and then we gather around Christ’s table. You are welcome in our worship service just as you are! Some people come wearing their "Sunday Best." Others wear jeans and a t-shirt. While many people stand and sit throughout the service, you are invited to participate as is comfortable for you. The building is handicap accessible and there is room for wheelchairs in the congregation.
To help you follow along with our worship service, a large-print bulletin including every element of the service is available. Our worship service follows a traditional pattern of worship, using a full liturgy including scripture, music, time for prayer and reflection, and a weekly celebration of Holy Communion. As Lutherans we believe that God is really present in the bread and wine we share, and all are welcome at God's table of grace. Communion is celebrated with bread and individually poured wine. Gluten-free wafers and grape juice are available. Those who do not receive communion are invited to receive a blessing. Communion may also be brought to those for whom mobility is difficult.
We feel that music is an important part of our worship, and we invite all people to join in the joyful noise of the church. Much of our music comes from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the common hymnal of many ELCA churches and is traditional in style and accompanied by the organ or piano.
Children are a beloved part of our community. They are always welcome in worship. During the service, they may complete a children's bulletin with lessons for the day and come up to hear a children's sermon that explains the message of the scripture reading in terms relatable to them. Sometimes children have some extra wiggles or make some extra noises. They are still a welcome part of our worship service! If you need to take a child out of the service for any reason, there is a play area in the lower level available.

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